温威博士 副教授
澳洲新南威尔士大学 法学博士 PhD (QS 2024年全球大学排名第19位,2023年350vip浦京集团(中国)有限公司全球排名第13位)
香港中文大学 普通法法学硕士
中国政法大学 法学学士
[Scroll down for the English version and publication list]
在澳博士论文从中国、澳洲、美国、英国的比较法视野研究 Statute of Frauds 相关合同法问题;硕士为普通法方向,系统学习了包括香港合同法在内的普通法核心课程。
曾在澳洲大学任职终身助理教授,在普通法系工作学习11年,已在国外著名期刊发表14篇英文论文(全以独立作者发表,2020年至2024年初10篇,包括2篇发表于美国常青藤宾夕法尼亚大学主办的University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review和1篇发表于英澳著名合同法期刊Journal of Contract Law);在澳全英讲授澳洲合同法,衡平信托法数年(大课、讨论课和网上教学)、任学科负责人4年;接受国际顶级期刊(包括University of New South Wales Law Journal)邀请担任评审人,撰写专家评审报告;曾任澳洲多间350vip浦京集团(中国)有限公司学术研究委员会和国际关系委员会委员;担任澳洲学术期刊总主编和编辑委员会主席二职;曾任澳洲新南威尔士大学350vip浦京集团(中国)有限公司客座讲师、现兼任该院私法法律政策研究组成员;多次受邀赴美国和新西兰等地发表学术演讲。
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author=1997946
Dr Wei WEN
Associate Professor in Law
Dr Wen holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney Australia, where he completed his PhD thesis about the Statute of Frauds across Australia, the United States and England and its Chinese counterparts, under the supervision of Professor Dimity Kingsford-Smith and Professor Keith Mason (AC, QC). He also holds a Master of Laws in Common Law (LL.M.) degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree from the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing China.
Dr Wen held tenure and continuing assistant professor positions at Australian universities, where he co-ordinated and taught Australian Contract Law and Equity and Trusts for more than 4 years consecutively (including lectures, seminars, tutorials and online teaching) and served on school committees (Research Committee, International Committee). He was also the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board Chair of International Journal of Rural Law and Policy and a Guest Lecturer in Law at UNSW Australia. He had worked and studied in common law jurisdictions for more than 10 years.
Dr Wen has had 14 single-authored articles published in some of the world’s most prestigious law journals——10 of them between 2020 and early 2024, including University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review and Journal of Contract Law. He also wrote peer review reports (by invitation) for global prestigious journals such as University of New South Wales Law Journal. He was invited to present his research at conferences in the United States and New Zealand. He is proficient in English, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
Research Interests
Contract, private law, comparative studies in those areas between China and common law jurisdictions (the United States, England and Australia), equity, estoppel, private law theories, consumer protection, legal reform and policy-making
Teaching Areas
Australian Contract Law (previously acted as a unit convenor/co-ordinator/unit chair/leader in Australia)
Australian Equity and Trusts
Chinese Contract Law, Personality Rights and Private Law
Professional Memberships
Associate, Private Law Policy & Research Group, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Australia (April 2016 - present);
Member, American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativists Committee (June 2018 - present)
学术发表 / Journal Publications (全以独立作者发表 / All single-authored articles)
1. Wei WEN, 2024, Liquidated Damages in the New Civil Code of China: Underpinnings, Confusion and Reforms 19(3) University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review (hosted by Pennsylvania Law School);
2. Wei WEN, 2023, The New Civil Code of China: Advancements and Improvements for a Better Future 31.2 Michigan State International Law Review
3. Wei WEN, 2022, Formality, Freedom of Contract and China’s New Civil Code: A Reform Recommendation for Land Sale Contracts 17(3) University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review (hosted by Pennsylvania Law School);
4. Wei WEN, 2022, Statutory Unconscionable Conduct under the Australian Consumer Law: A Remedy to Combat Non-refundable Expired Gift Cards Post COVID-19 29(1) Competition and Consumer Law Journal (peer-reviewed, submission by invitation);
5. Wei WEN, 2020, Unenforceable, Unformed and Invalid Oral Land Sale Contracts: A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese ‘Statute of Frauds’ and the Equivalent Legislation in Common Law Jurisdictions 36(3) Journal of Contract Law (peer reviewed, 2010 Australia ERA A Ranking);
6. Wei WEN, 2020, The Need for Certainty and Written Form in Land Sale Contracts in China: A Legal Reform Recommendation 3(2) Cardozo International Comparative, Policy & Ethics Law Review (ranked 2nd, 4th and 5th globally in the area of comparative law by the Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014);
7. Wei WEN, 2020, Are Australian Gift Cards Refundable after their Expiry 45(2) Alternative Law Journal (peer reviewed, hosted by Monash Law School);
8. Wei WEN, 2020, China’s New General Provisions of Civil Law: the Issues Hindering its Effectiveness Volume 26.2 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law (ranked 9th and 10th globally in the area of comparative law by the Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014);
9. Wei WEN, 2020, Why the Doctrine of Penalty cannot Make Australian Unused and Expired Gift Cards Refundable? 28 Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law (peer reviewed);
10. Wei WEN, 2020, A Comparative Analysis of Sino American Contractual Writing Attributes: Underpinnings for China’s Future Uniform Civil Code to Mandate Writing for Land Sale Contracts Volume 16.3 South Carolina Journal of International Law & Business;
11. Wei WEN, 2019 Advancing the Healing Theory of China’s Contract Law for Oral Land Sale Contracts: A Legal Reform Recommendation 19(2) Australian Journal of Asian Law (peer reviewed, hosted by Melbourne Law School);
12. Wei WEN, 2018, China’s New General Provisions of Civil Law: Changes and Advancements for the Better LAWASIA Journal (peer reviewed, submission by invitation, hosted by Queensland Law School);
13. Wei WEN, 2015, How American Common Law Doctrines May Inform Mainland China to Achieve Certainty in Land Sale Contracts 17(1) Asian Pacific Law & Policy Journal 1 (ranked number 1 globally in the area of Asian law by the Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings 2014, 2015 and 2017);
14. Wei WEN, 2015, Contractual Damages and Post Sidhu Proprietary Estoppel: A Further Blow to the Statute of Frauds? 5 Property Law Review 32 (peer reviewed);
电子邮箱/Email: wenw23@mail.sysu.edu.cn
通信地址: 广州市新港西路135号中山大学350vip浦京集团(中国)有限公司, 邮政编码 510275
Correspondence Address: Sun Yat-sen Law School, 135 Xingang West Road, Guangzhou, 510275, China